Author: Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse
Year: 1992 (1923, 1925, 1963)
Publisher: Chancellor Press
Language: English
If one has
yet to make the acquaintance of Reginald Jeeves, gentleman’s personal
gentleman, and his occasionally woolly-headed employer, Bertram Wilberforce
Wooster, then one has the good fortune of standing on the precipice of a rare
delight. A world inundated by country house antics, aunts of a most fearsome
disposition, and engagements formed and dissolved at the drop of a hat awaits.
Jeeves Collection" by P. G. Wodehouse is, in short, a smorgasbord of delightful
prose, absurd entanglements, and a valet who would have the whole world running
smoother than a well-buttered crumpet if given half a chance. The form of the
whole bally thing is best characterised as a conglomeration of three short
story collections originally titled “Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves”, “The Inimitable
Jeeves”, and “Carry On, Jeeves” published between 1923 and 1963. The plots revolve
around Bertram’s gallant but misguided attempts to navigate society,
friendships, and the occasional perilous romance, all while Jeeves hovers in
the background, dispensing wisdom like a brainy, and often quite smug, but always
impeccable oracle in a black tie.
universe of Jeeves and Wooster abound with memorable characters, all of whom
regularly put good old Bertie in the soup; be it the constantly lovesick Bingo
Little, the irredeemably over-confident Tuppy Glossop, the tyrannical aunt Agatha,
the choleric Roderick Spode, or any other family member, friend, acquaintance,
and antagonist. Watching over it all is Jeeves, who, with the quiet confidence
of a man who has long since mastered the art of crisis management, extracts his
employer from every mess.
Jeeves’ solutions,
however, are not always as seamless as one might have preferred, and particularly
in situations where one of Bertie’s friends needs to be rescued in one way or
other, Jeeves seems to find an almost sadistic pleasure in humiliating his Master.
It all turns out well for all parties in the end, but for the most part, it is
Bertie who picks up the bill. The happy-go-lucky chum that he is, he seems quite
content doing so.
One cannot,
of course, read Wodehouse without tripping over the troublesome relics of the
British class system. The world of Jeeves and Wooster is one where gentlemen of
leisure drift from club to country house, their primary duties involving
luncheon, light banter, and avoiding employment (and in Wooster’s case marriage)
at all costs. Meanwhile, the true machinery of civilization hums efficiently
beneath them, powered by the clerks and workers of the world; some of whom, like
Jeeves, while technically in service, are in fact the real puppet masters of
the social order.
For all its
rowdy escapades, Wodehouse’s world is one in which class boundaries remain
firmly intact, though observed with a knowing wink. Bertie, good egg that he
is, relies entirely on Jeeves to navigate the deceiving waters of life, never
questioning the latter’s superior intellect. Indeed, the Jeeves-Wooster dynamic
is less that of employer and servant, and more of an amiable lord-and-vassal
arrangement, where the vassal is unquestionably in charge but allows the lord
the comforting illusion of authority.
language, at last, is a pleasure to behold. Sentences are assembled with the
precision of a Swiss watchmaker who has also, in his spare time, mastered the
art of comedy. One finds oneself guffawing at the sheer ridiculousness of it
all, and if one is not careful, alarming nearby creatures with bursts of
unexpected amusement.
conclusion, life is short and one can never have too much of a good thing. Especially
when that good thing involves a valet of Jeeves’s calibre, a cast of characters
whose primary purpose seems to be hurling themselves into disaster, and an
author whose wit is as keen as Jeeves’ powers of observation and as fiery as
Bingo Little’s heart.
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